Hosanna Christian Fellowship is the church you have been searching for! HCF is place where you can find peace, experience power and discover purpose. We are thriving, Christ centered, Spirit-led Church affiliated with The Assemblies of God and we are located in the beautiful and scenic area of Poteau, Oklahoma. Our vision is to fulfill The Great Commission of Mathew 28:19-20 through the “equipping of the saints for the work of the ministry” by the five-fold ministry gifts according to Ephesians 4:12-16 .We seek to fulfill this vision through Spirit-Inspired Bible teaching and preaching, Holy-Ghost Baptism, Anointed Praise and Worship that lifts up Christ, and local outreaching. Our mission is simple: to raise up a generation of Revivalist who will proclaim The Gospel of The Kingdom with the Fire of God as they are sent out into the harvest fields of every-man’s world!